Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Other betting blog developments

Its sad to have to report that a couple of my favourite blogs seem to have taken noticeable set backs in the last week or so.

The Gambler lost a large and unspecified amount on the US horses (I can't understand why anyone touches these personally, but the Gambler always seemed to do OK at it prior to this latest disaster) and has packed in the whole gambling business. In its place, he has decided to write his memoirs, which are very readable. I would recommend you take a look. He seems to have gone back with gambling as of last night, you can never keep a good man down.

The Betfair Loser also seems to have lost a packet and has taken a break. Despite the name, the Betfair Loser seemed to do quite well, I guess any gambler is only a few bad breaks away from ruin. I do hope that I can use the blogging forum to ensure that I try to keep a level head, its never nice to write about the bad times, although I find its a good way to learn quickly.

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